Training Session with Bank Gaborone

On Saturday 14th October, DLG hosted a one on one interactive training session on Property Law, Contract Law and Securities with Bank Gaborone. The training was specifically requested by the Bank as a value add service that DLG provides to its clients. Overall the training was completed with immense success as confirmed by our client. …

Dineo Makati-Mpho, DLG partner and Head of Litigation and Employment Law attends Employment Law Alliance (ELA) as a Guest Panellist.

Our Head of Litigation is currently in Shanghai, attending the Annual  ELA conference. Mrs Makati-Mpho  attended the Regional Meeting for Africa and the Middle East as well as a Global Committee Meeting for Member Services. Her itinerary upon arrival in Shanghai consisted of many exciting adventures such as a tour of Shanghai called ‘The Past and …

DLG Congratulates Our Newly Wed!

Pelotswaana Botlhole from our accounts team recently got Married on September 9th. DLG employees gathered last week to witness her receive a company gift as well as a cash gift from staff contributions. DLG wishes you a wonderful married life Pelo!

DLG Appoints a Chief Financial Officer

Desai Law Group is pleased to announce that it has appointed Mr Kiron George as Chief Financial Officer. Kiron had previously worked with PwC Botswana for 8 years. He holds several professional qualifications in the field of Management Accounting. In addition, he brings with him experience in regards to Risk Management, Internal Controls Assessment, Accounting …

DLG Partners Attend ALN Annual International Conference in Dubai

Rizwan Desai, Founding and Managing Partner of Desai Law Group and Akheel Jinabhai, Partner and Head of Property are currently attending the two day ALN Annual International Conference in Dubai which commenced on 4th – 5th October 2017 and themed “Africa: Bridging The Gulf”. The event brings together top business leaders, dignitaries, decision makers and …

The Developmental Role of Boards and Chairpersons

Accountable and responsible as the chairperson of a board is and must be, he or she cannot operate as an island and must both seek and obtain the guidance of and consensus with others. If this happens, and happens not just in one corporation, but across corporates across the length and breadth of our nation, …

DLG Attends 5th Annual Adams & Adams Africa Network Meeting

Mr Ajit Williams and Otlametse Rakwadi, Associate and Candidate Attorney of DLG had the opportunity to attend the 5th Annual Adams & Adams Africa Network Meeting, which was held at the Adams and Adams offices in Lynnwood, Pretoria, South Africa, on 14 -15 September 2015. The meeting was a two-day seminar that brought together Adams …